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Maninder qualified as a Chartered Legal Executive in 2017 and works within in our private client team.

The work she carries out involves:

  • Wills: Taking instructions from her clients, advising and drafting the documents
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney: Taking instructions from her clients, advising them and drafting the documents, and registering them
  • Estate Administration: Dealing with estate administration including preparing IHT 400 and supplementary forms, calculating and paying Inheritance Tax (IHT), claiming residential nil rate bands, other reliefs available, transferable nil rate bands, preparing paper probate applications (including double probate applications), preparing full estate accounts, CGT computations, Deeds of Variation, Deeds of Appropriation, Deeds of Appointment and dealing with property assent applications

Given her years of experience, having worked solely in the private client field since 2009, Maninder is highly regarded by her clients, and is well versed when dealing beneficiaries and third parties such as the Probate Registry, HMRC, Office of the Public Guardian, and the Land Registry.  

Maninder is also full member of The Association of Lifetime Lawyers (formerly Solicitors for the Elderly).

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    Horwich Cohen Coghlan Limited t/a Horwich Cohen Coghlan (HCC) Solicitors a registered company in England and Wales registered number 08043633. Our registered office is Trafford House, Chester Road, Manchester, M32 0RS. We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA Number 608056. Our conduct is governed by the SRA Standards and Regulations which can be accessed here: