Specialist inquest support lawyers
If a death is the result of a road traffic collision, sustained in the workplace or as part of a crime and the circumstances are unclear we know that it can be a confusing, traumatic and emotional time.
Inquests occur for a number of reasons but primarily exist to ascertain the truth of what happened. We understand that for families who have suffered the death of a loved one, finding out the truth is often their priority.
Multiple professionals and agencies, including the police and the HSE, may be involved in the investigation.
When you instruct us, our specialist team will represent your family’s interests during this distressing time.
We will liaise pro-actively with all the professionals who are investigating the incident and will represent your family in official proceedings at the Coroners’ Court. We will liaise with the coroner, keep you informed of timescales and outcomes and support you at any pre-inquest reviews as well as the inquest itself.
In addition, we collaborate with a range of specialist charities and trusted support organisations. You can view these partnerships here.