If your family has suffered due to a birth injury or fatality which has resulted from medical negligence, our experienced and empathetic lawyers can help. We help families secure compensation to cover the costs of everything from expert medical care and rehabilitation to loss of earnings and psychological support.
Birth Injuries to the Mother
Mistakes can happen during childbirth which can lead to the mother sustaining physical and emotional trauma. For example, doctors may have failed to provide the correct treatment or recognise the risk of injury before the birth took place. Following a birth injury, the mother will likely need physical rehabilitation as well as psychological support to get her back to full health. Traumatic births can change your life forever. It is important that you are represented by legal experts to uncover exactly what happened, when and why.
Birth Injuries to the Child
Our lawyers have helped families whose children have suffered birth injuries. Mistakes occur on maternity wards which can lead to conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, injuries such as to the Brachial Plexus and even still births.
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a lifelong condition which affects movement and coordination. It can be caused by lack of blood or oxygen supply, an infection or an injury to an unborn baby’s head.
If your child has been born with Cerebral Palsy, it can be a distressing time and if it has happened due to medical negligence, your family will want to receive compensation. We have helped families to secure packages which provide the tools to support children born with Cerebral Palsy for the rest of their lives, including physiotherapy treatments to improve movement and balance.
Still Birth
Still births can happen due to medical negligence where the doctor has made a mistake and the birth has gone wrong. Still births can also happen due to failure to provide the correct treatment or overlooked symptoms. We will ensure we provide extensive support and expert advice to your family during this dreadful period.
Brachial Plexus
The brachial plexus is a system of nerves which sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, hand and arm. An injury to the brachial plexus happens when the nerves are damaged or torn away from the spinal cord. Brachial plexus injuries often cause temporary issues and the child can make a full recovery. However, they can also cause long term disabilities.